December 10, 2012

Entry Guide to Software Testing

Product Description: This ebook is designed for the aspirants who are interested in getting into the Software Quality Assurance (QA) jobs. The contents put together in this ebook are systematically organized so that the reader can begin as a novice with no prior knowledge of Software QA process and will lead into the details of the QA responsibilities, explaining each topic in an easy to understand format.

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File Format: The ebook is the pdf format and you will need to download Acrobat Reader to read this ebook. You will also need Winzip or 7-Zip (free download available) to open this ebook. Product Delivery: Product will be available for download immediately once the payment has been successfully processed. You will have to save the ebook to your computer.

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Jacqueline Kennedy by Caroline Kennedy - Books

December 9, 2012

Automating Software Testing Using Program Analysis

I was thrilled by this post guys over Automating Software Testing Using Program Analysis!!  It's superb!! I would really want people to read this.. especially those who are into automated software testing....

During the last decade, code inspection for standard programming errors has
largely been automated with static code analysis. Commercial static program analysis tools are now routinely used in many software development organizations.

These tools are popular because they find many software bugs, thanks to
three main ingredients: they’re automatic, they’re scalable, and they check many properties.
Intuitively, any tool that can automatically check millions of lines of code against hundreds of coding rules is bound to find on average, say, one bug every thousand lines of code.

Three new tools combine techniques from static program analysis, dynamic analysis, model checking, and automated constraint solving to automate test generation in varied application domains.

Read on more...

Please download PDF from this link (1.03 MB)

Source of this article

December 8, 2012

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PL SQL Test Set

Software Project Estimation - Test Effort Estimation Using Use Case Points

Test Effort Estimation Using Use Case Points

By: Suresh Nageswaran
Cognizant Technology Solutions,
National Games Road,
Yerwada, Pune – 411006.
Maharashtra, India
(+91-020) 669 19 60

This paper presents a new approach to the estimation of software testing efforts based on Use Case Points [UCP] as a fundamental project estimation measure. From preliminary applications on our web-based projects, we conjecture that this could in fact be more reliable than FP. The caveat here is that the Vmodel must be in use and use case generation must start becoming available right at the requirements gathering phase. The acceptance test plan is then prepared with the use cases from the requirement documents as input.
Further work could provide a more exact relationship between the two.

Download free from by clicking on this link

Selenium Test Set

Software Testing Test Set

Software quality assurance or SQA and difference with Quality check and Software Testing


Quality means consistently meeting user requirements in terms of cost , delivery  schedule & service.

Quality Assurance (QA):

- QA is planned and systematic way to evaluate quality of process used to produce a quality product.

- The goal of a QA is to provide assurance that a product is meeting customer’s quality expectations.

- QA deals with how to prevent bugs from occurring in a product being developed.

- Software Quality Assurance Engineer’s main responsibility is to create and implement methods and standards to improve development process.

- QA is associated with activities like measuring the quality of process used to develop a product, process improvement and defect prevention.

- It consists of auditing and reporting procedures related to development and testing.

Quality Control (QC):

Quality control name comes from manufacturing industry where QC inspector evaluate sample products taken from the manufacturing line, test them & if the products fail the test they have the authority to shut down the whole production line.

- QC in software industry is evaluating software product, find the defects & suggest improvements.

- QC implements the process established by QA.

- Software tester is responsible for QC.

- If required, personnel involve in QC have to carry out QA tasks as well.

Software Testing:

- Software testing is a planned process that is used to identify the correctness, completeness, security and quality of software.

- Testing is generally done to demonstrate that the software is doing what it is supposed to do as well as the software is not doing what it is not supposed to do.

- The goal of testing or software tester is to locate defects and make sure that they get fixed.

These are the basic differences between the three concepts. Sometimes there is an overlap of duties between tester, QA Engineer and QC Engineer. As per the need, some testers might be required to perform certain QA activities & some QA-ers perform testing of product.

Software Quality Assurance Plan

Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) is to define the techniques, procedures, and methodologies that will be used at the Center for Space Research (CSR) to assure timely delivery of the software that meets specified requirements within project resources.

The use of this plan will help assure the following: 
(1) That software development, evaluation and acceptance standards are developed, documented and followed. 
(2) That the results of software quality reviews and audits will be given to appropriate management within CSR. This provides feedback as to how well the development effort is conforming to various CSR
development standards. 
(3) That test results adhere to acceptance standards.

Following is a Software Quality Assurance Plan submitted by:

Center for Space Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139

csr_sqa_plan.pdf (96.9 MB)

Database Testing Tutorials

Database testing/Back-end testing is very important. 

I have summarized a set of tutorials that could be handy fr testers.

If there is any bug in the database that bug may cause a severe problems like – dead-locking, data corruption, poor performance etc. These bugs are very difficult to find in manual testingfront-end testing.

So for all-rounder testers, knowledge of Database testing/SQL testing / Backend testing is very important.

Below are some free Database testing tutorials, through which you will learn about the following:

1. Why DB testing is important?
2. How DB testing is carried out?
3. SQL queries

November 15, 2012

Quality Engineered Software and Testing (QUEST) Conference

Join the QUEST for Quality Engineered Software and Testing! 

In today’s fast paced environment, you have limited time and budget for training. But you still need to remain current in your profession and find solutions to your most pressing challenges. Your want to learn from the industry thought leaders, but you also want to know what other companies are doing. You want to connect with other practitioners like yourself. You want to learn about today’s products and services from vendors, but you don’t want to feel pressured to buy. This is what QUEST is all about. 

Whether you join QUEST online or attend the annual QUEST conference in-person, you'll have the opportunity to LEARN, ACCESS, APPLY, and CONNECT -- the mission of QUEST.

September 20, 2012

July 25, 2012

Answers to sample CSTE exam questions

Answers to sample CSTE exam questions

1.  (d) Fit for use
2.  (a) Unit testing
3.  (b) Standard
4.  (a) Management support
5.  (d) Critical listening
6.  (a) Code of ethics
7.  (e) All of the above
8.  (c) Quantify loss
9.  (d) a, b and c
10. (a) Build a system boundary diagram
11. (b) Defect severity
12. (c) After system testing
13. (c) Determine if software is fit for use
14. (e) All of the above
15. (b) Cultural differences
16. (c) Factors that must be present
17. (a) Risk
18. (d) Vulnerability
19. (b) e-business
20. (a) Level 1

Check your eligibility for CSTE certification - Sample CSTE examination

Check your eligibility for CSTE certification. Take this sample CSTE examination

Below you will find 20 multiple choice questions from all skill categories. There are around 10 skill categories and I have included 2 questions from each category.

Skill categories:
•Software Testing Principles and Concepts
• Building the Test Environment
• Managing the Test Project
• Test Planning
• Executing the Test Plan
• Test Reporting Process
• User Acceptance Testing
• Testing Software Developed by Contractors
• Testing Internal Control
• Testing New Technologies

These are the latest sample questions from the CSTE CBOK.
Mark the answers somewhere so that you can check the score at the end of the test.

1. The customer’s view of quality means:
a. Meeting requirements
b. Doing it the right way
c. Doing it right the first time
d. Fit for use
e. Doing it on time

2. The testing of a single program, or function, usually performed by the developer is called:
a. Unit testing
b. Integration testing
c. System testing
d. Regression testing
e. Acceptance testing

3. The measure used to evaluate the correctness of a product is called the product:
a. Policy
b. Standard
c. Procedure to do work
d. Procedure to check work
e. Guideline

4. Which of the four components of the test environment is considered to be the most important component of the test environment:
a. Management support
b. Tester competency
c. Test work processes
d. Testing techniques and tools

5. Effective test managers are effective listeners. The type of listening in which the tester is performing an analysis of what the speaker is saying is called:
a. Discriminative listening
b. Comprehensive listening
c. Therapeutic listening
d. Critical listening
e. Appreciative listening

6. To become a CSTE, an individual has a responsibility to accept the standards of conduct defined by the certification board. These standards of conduct are called:
a. Code of ethics
b. Continuing professional education requirement
c. Obtaining references to support experience
d. Joining a professional testing chapter
e. Following the common body of knowledge in the practice of software testing

7. Which of the following are risks that testers face in performing their test activities:
a. Not enough training
b. Lack of test tools
c. Not enough time for testing
d. Rapid change
e. All of the above

8. All of the following are methods to minimize loss due to risk. Which one is not a method to minimize loss due to risk:
a. Reduce opportunity for error
b. Identify error prior to loss
c. Quantify loss
d. Minimize loss
e. Recover loss

9. Defect prevention involves which of the following steps:
a. Identify critical tasks
b. Estimate expected impact
c. Minimize expected impact
d. a, b and c
e. a and b

10. The first step in designing use case is to:
a. Build a system boundary diagram
b. Define acceptance criteria
c. Define use cases
d. Involve users
e. Develop use cases

11. The defect attribute that would help management determine the importance of the defect is called:
a. Defect type
b. Defect severity
c. Defect name
d. Defect location
e. Phase in which defect occurred

12. The system test report is normally written at what point in software development:
a. After unit testing
b. After integration testing
c. After system testing
d. After acceptance testing

13. The primary objective of user acceptance testing is to:
a. Identify requirements defects
b. Identify missing requirements
c. Determine if software is fit for use
d. Validate the correctness of interfaces to other software systems
e. Verify that software is maintainable

14. If IT establishes a measurement team to create measures and metrics to be used in status reporting, that team should include individuals who have:
a. A working knowledge of measures
b. Knowledge in the implementation of statistical process control tools
c. A working understanding of benchmarking techniques
d. Knowledge of the organization’s goals and objectives
e. All of the above

15. What is the difference between testing software developed by a contractor outside your country, versus testing software developed by a contractor within your country:
a. Does not meet people needs
b. Cultural differences
c. Loss of control over reallocation of resources
d. Relinquishment of control
e. Contains extra features not specified

16. What is the definition of a critical success factor:
a. A specified requirement
b. A software quality factor
c. Factors that must be present
d. A software metric

e. A high cost to implement requirement

17. The condition that represents a potential for loss to an organization is called:
a. Risk
b. Exposure
c. Threat
d. Control
e. Vulnerability

18. A flaw in a software system that may be exploited by an individual for his or her advantage is called:
a. Risk
b. Risk analysis
c. Threat
d. Vulnerability
e. Control

19. The conduct of business of the Internet is called:
a. e-commerce
b. e-business
c. Wireless applications
d. Client-server system
e. Web-based applications

20. The following is described as one of the five levels of maturing a new technology into an IT organization’s work processes. The “People-dependent technology” level is equivalent to what level in SEI’s compatibility maturity model:
a. Level 1
b. Level 2
c. Level 3
d. Level 4
e. Level 5